Mohlan is a village panchayat located in the Muktsar district of Punjab state,India. The latitude 30.267259 and longitude 74.341436 are the geocoordinate of the Mohlan. Chandigarh is the state capital for Mohlan village. It is located around 239.7 kilometer away from Mohlan.. The other nearest state capital from Mohlan is Chandigarh and its distance is 239.7 KM. The other surrouning state capitals are Chandigarh 239.7 KM., Shimla 285.3 KM., Delhi 329.8 KM.,
The surrounding nearby villages and its distance from Mohlan are Karam Patti 3.6 KM , Ratta Tibba 5.4 KM , Sher Garh Gyan Singh 5.7 KM , Aspal 5.8 KM , Tarkhan Wala 7.7 KM , Chhota Ratta Khera 7.7 KM , Virk Khera 9.7 KM , Pakki Tibbi 11.3 KM , Lakkar Wala 11.5 KM , Khunan Kalan 11.7 KM , Jhorar 13.7 KM , Dabwali Dhab 14.0 KM , Buraj Sidhwan 16.3 KM , Dabbra 17.0 KM , Malout 17.4 KM , Malout Village 18.0 KM , Shekhu 18.8 KM , Rathrian 22.0 KM , Ghumiar Khera 22.3 KM , Ram Nagar K Singh 28.6 KM , Sham Kot , .

The official language of Mohlan

The native language of Mohlan is Punjabi and most of the village people speak Punjabi. Mohlan people use Punjabi language for communication.

Mohlan Sun rise time

Mohlan village is located in the UTC 5.30 time zone and it follows indian standard time(IST). Mohlan sun rise time varies 32 minutes from IST. The vehicle driving side in Mohlan is left, all vehicles should take left side during driving. Mohlan people are using its national currency which is Indian Rupee and its internationl currency code is INR. Mohlan phones and mobiles can be accesed by adding the indian country dialing code +91 from abroad. Mohlan people are following the dd/mm/yyyy date format in day-to-day life. Mohlan domain name extension( cTLD) is .in .

The nearest railway station in and around Mohlan

The nearest railway station to Mohlan is Malout which is located in and around 17.4 kilometer distance. The following table shows other railway stations and its distance from Mamakudi.
Malout railway station17.4 KM.
Abohar railway station20.0 KM.
Nohar railway station20.0 KM.
Muktsar railway station28.8 KM.
Giddarbaha railway station31.8 KM.

Nearest airport to Mohlan

Mohlan‘s nearest airport is Bathinda Airport situated at 40.2 KM distance. Few more airports around Mohlan are as follows.
Bathinda Airport40.2 KM.
Halwara Air Force Station134.8 KM.
Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee International Airport166.0 KM.

Nearest districts to Mohlan

The other nearest district head quarters is mukatsar situated at 28.8 KM distance from Mohlan . Surrounding districts from Mohlan are as follows.
Mukatsar ( mukatsar ) district28.8 KM.
Firozpur ( firozpur ) district31.9 KM.
Faridkot ( faridkot ) district59.7 KM.
Bathinda ( bathinda ) district65.7 KM.
Moga ( moga ) district101.5 KM.

Nearest town/city to Mohlan

Mohlan‘s nearest town/city/important place is Muktsar located at the distance of 9.3 kilometer. Surrounding town/city/TP/CT from Mohlan are as follows.
Muktsar9.3 KM.
Malout17.4 KM.
Abohar19.7 KM.
Gidderbaha30.6 KM.
Firozpur31.9 KM.

Schools in and around Mohlan

Mohlan nearest schools has been listed as follows.
S S School5.3 KM.
Govt Sen Sec School Sarawan Bodla8.3 KM.
Govt High School9.5 KM.
Govt High School12.7 KM.
Govt Pri School Pind Malout 214.6 KM.

Beaches in and around Mohlan

Mohlan‘s nearest beach is Ennore Beach located at the distance of 1992.0 kilometers. Surrounding beaches from Mohlan are as follows.
Ennore Beach1992.0 KM.
Thiruvottiyur Beach1997.7 KM.
Marina Beach2009.5 KM.
Santhome Beach2012.4 KM.
Elliots Beach2014.6 KM.

Mohlan map

The following Mohlan map is from google. Mohlan map consist of nearest villages and more information based on the zooming. You can enlarge or minimize the map zooming level based on your requirement.


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